A free image convort is used by webskillmentor tools , which allows users to upload their own images and convert them into different file formats.
The WebP image format supports both lossy and lossless compression, as well as animation and alpha transparency. Google developed this format to create files that are smaller while maintaining the same quality, or larger while maintaining the same quality, than JPEGs, PNGs, and GIFs.
A 1.0 version of WebP’s supporting library was released in April 2018 following the format’s announcement in September 2010. 96% of the web browsers in use around the world support WebP, which has gained support over the years.
While WebP offers 70-90% smaller file sizes than PNG, it maintains the same quality and transparency. WebP loads faster (due to file size) than PNG images.
The following tool allows you to convert any image format to WebP format. To convert the image into WebP, you need to upload it and then use our tool to do so. Follow the steps below.
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